it which is called black propaganda. so it will be interesting to see what's true and what's not in their releases. >> yeah, they added a little wikipedia type branding to it to make it sound extra salacious. hey, harry, you're a lawyer and we're not. i have a two-parter for you. number one, to those of you who are lay people and think it's a credit card, explain what discovery is. >> discovery, first of all, most importantly, is very different and very limited in the criminal context. it's not the full-bodied interrogatories and depositions you may be used to if you're ever in the civil trial. it's the provision of very limited and specified information. essentially the evidence that the government is going to use at trial and evidence that might exculpate the defendant to the defendant. and here malcolm makes a great point. what's basically happened is concord as a company has

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