very complicated. and therefore it takes time. and so i would love to see a cr to open up the government and then allow congress to actually come to the table with each of their proposals. we're hearing a new proposal now that representative allard has worked over the weekend on that they're going to present. i look forward to seeing that. >> what if it doesn't include money for the wall? should they give in and give him going to be called a wall just to get past this? >> look, i think that you have to have first steps. they presented their first step in the senate, the senate bill, mitch mcconnell's bill that they're going to vote on tomorrow. now it's time for us to put our position forward. does it deal with border security? how does it deal with border security? does it deal with dreamers? is it just for daca recipients or the entire dreamers? is it for three years renewable status or a pathway to legal