mindset. >> but, still, can we win in afghanistan? i'm curious what that looks like and, quite frankly, what winning in syria looks like as well. but just to answer the question what does it look like in afghanistan and can we? >> didn't you hear me dodging your question, mika? >> yeah, i did. i went right after you. >> yeah. to a degree i think that we can, but what does it look like? it looks like something where afghanistan, the people of afghanistan, which i think includes the taliban, they come to this decision that, guess what, there's not going to be a clear military victory and so we're going to create some kind of accommodation and move forward. i don't think there's anything that looks as satisfying as a conventional war outcome there. >> right. all right. general stanley mcchrystal and sean mcfate thaw both. the book is "the new rules of war: victory in the age of