with a $50 million pen house. so inside the beltway this is a huge deal that we're hearing about, but i think in general for the american people it's very consistent with michael cohen lying about the payments to porn stars and playboy play mates. it's consistent with everybody in his entourage lying about things from the emoluments clause to the secret meeting in trump tower by don jr. this is very consistent with the president's actions. so it's not surprising at all. i am going to be glued to the tube watching his testimony before congress on february 7th. i think that's going to be revealing. but he's always been able to manipulate lesser minded people to carry his water in the public eye. >> omarosa, let me ask you this. you said that he always did deals for the president. the president did not want to do and clearly he was in the middle of the negotiations with russia. so whatever he says does bear some credibility because he was the guy that was in those situations.