they know we carry a lot of money. somebody must have been watching us. >> unusually ben novak's convention business ran on cash, bags of it. the exhibiters would turn over their dollars to the stepdaughter may and her assistants on site. this weekend they had taken in more than $100,000. now, that money wasn't being kept in a hotel safe behind the front desk. rather, it was stashed in closets, under the beds of the staff members. question, had an insider who knew how they had gone about their business decided to rip off the company by torturing ben to cough up the cash? >> they had around 110,000 in cash. >> you're in motivation country right now, right? >> we're trying to figure out, what's going on. >> they didn't get anything from him. so of course i'm scared. you know, not just for myself but for the staff. >> and if someone had been roaming the hotel hallways with money and murder on their mind, there were 2,000 potential suspects.