when i was a federal prosecutor, i had people attacking me all the time for prosecutorial decisions i made. and, you know, we can't decline to do the right thing for fear of reaction by the wrong people or by the complicit people. so i think the fbi did the right thing, the necessary thing, and you know what? let the criticism come. >> yep. that's an interesting point you make, glenn. i want to ask you about this, frank -- i want to ask david about this. the article's a remarkable read. it's full of detail. michael schmitt, one of the authors of it said they've really been working on if for a year and a half because they've had bits and pieces of this information for a year and a half. it says as the fbi officials debated whether to open the investigation, some of them pushed to move quickly before mr. trump appointed a director who might slow down or even end their investigation into russian interference. here is the key sentence to me. many involved in the case viewed russia as the chief threat to american democratic values. and david, ultimately that's