because congress won't pass the law he wants them to pass, won't give him the funding for the wall he wants to build, he's just going to go and do it on his own. that's exactly what he tried to do with this asylum ban that we sued him over, right? congress passes a law says you can seek asylum anywhere, between points of entry, at points of entry. he said no, i'm going to ban you. again, women, kids, people seeking protection, people being persecuted, we're going to slam the door shut on you unless you wait in line for months at these refugee camps, right? he tried to do that. we stopped him. we sued him in court. we got a rule stopping him. it's the same problem with this emergency idea. the idea that you can just ignore what congress is doing and just go around them by enacting things by executive fiat. yeah, i'm glad that at least for now he hasn't tried yet again to kind of circumvent our