and farmers in minnesota are -- have had a really rough year with low prices and these trade wars and they're getting ready to go to the bank to get their working capital loans for the next year. and they don't know what's happening. they can't get the -- they can't even often get a phone call answered from the usda. so this is having real impacts on people. it's a waste of taxpayers' money. it's a waste for the federal workers, and it's increasingly harming people. >> so what do you think would cause mitch mcconnell to change course and even if he does, does the president get onboard with any potential deal? >> i've been involved in a lot of big negotiations in my life, big labor negotiations and big deals. and it's almost impossible to negotiate with somebody whose position changes all the time. you have to know what is the win? how do you find a common -- find the common ground that you need to? and i suspect that that is a lot of what mitch mcconnell is struggling with too. this is his responsibility. he can't just outsource the