>> most of your problems start what, two inches below your nose. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> according to staff, crawford became uncooperative when told to get off the phone. >> at this point, she's telling the two male, the supervisor and the deputy, they can't touch her because it's rape and it's illegal for a male officer to touch her. of course, that's not the case. corporal desouza is giving her verbal orders she's not going for. me and the backup have our spray. corporal desouza puts the handcuffs on her, put her in the arm bar. she's uncomfortable, she can't move. she's not hurt. then she starts kicking. i inform her she is not allowed to kick, any assault is a criminal offense. so, we take it to the next step, where we're in the hallway, and you see that we're struggling with her. we're not taking her on the cart. she is too volatile.