no dark of night, speed of light package of a bill that has a 7 trillion dollar impact on the economy like the republican tax scan that give the benefits to the top%. it means the public will see what the impact of legislation is on them. openness. the public can see, world of social media and the traditional media enables people to have a better idea of what's happening. not the way they did it. without one hearing. 7 trillion dollar impact on the economy. not one hearing. >> can you enforce this idea of a 72 hour comment period? >> yes, of course. all you have to do is do it. the as decision that they did not make. and so they said they had 72 hours but what they would do is take a 24 hour day and take one minute off the day before and one minute off the day before and one minute after and say that is three day, that is 72 hours. but that is not. the public has to be able to see. and we promised bipartisanship.