is that going to work, gabe? president said -- you know, we were wrong because the american >> i think what this really shows is we have to flashback to public didn't turn their back on what he promised. the fact that donald trump was donald trump promised to secure willing to cave on the wall and that southern border. in fact he stopped calling it a wall, he called it slats or a if he doesn't, the peril that fence. and it was only until fox news rebelled and others, tucker will come from that will be carlson and laura ingraham and massive from his base in the party whether it's aviation ann coulter's xhentd comments assets, a wall of cement, steel, that he would be a failed that's semantics. president were he to panic and >> my friend, katen, you know i dug in. so this is all donald trump governing just because he saw the possibility of a revolt from love you. his base. president obama promised health the person i'm watching throughout all this is going to care when he actually meant -- going back to when he was a be mitch mcconnell because he state senator. said that he will not really he actually wanted health care take up any issue that he knows reform. this is a "new york times" piece the president won't sign. but at some point as you showed in which donald trump's own that map, caucus will start to adviser said his promise to build a wall wasn't a real thing get antsy. he was promising them. we've seen some republican it was a rhetorical device so he senators break with the president on this. would remember to talk about and at some point mitch mcconnell could go to trump and immigration. he wasn't promising to build say listen, my guys are getting them a physical wall. killed here. he was saying like yes, we can, you have to end this. and that is i think where the or build a bridge to the 21st