tool to keep that, his coalition together. you talk about immigration and the wall and impeachment. he talks about impeachment more than democrats talk about impeachment. >> by tenfold. >> right. and i think he uses it to light a fire under the base, bring everyone back in the fold, and because i think those are the two things that animate his supporters. defending him and then also the wa wall, and he's obviously failed getting funding on the wall. >> who's in charge of getting his base, the base or him? lamar alexander has this dream that he's going to be nixon to china, and he's going to create the great comprehensive immigration bill that barack obama and john mccain couldn't figure out. who's in charge of the base, the base or the president? >> i think we could see that in the lead up to this, when we were leading up to this and there was a deal on the table and mitch mcconnell got snookerred once donald trump started listening to other people who said they were speaking on behalf of the base, and he made an abrupt shift.

Related Keywords

Wa Wall ,Proceedings Collides ,Base ,White House ,Immigration ,Coalition ,Tool ,Fire ,Things ,Everyone ,Funding ,Charge ,Supporters ,Fold ,Two ,President ,Lamar Alexander ,President Obama ,Immigration Bill ,John Mccain Couldn T ,Figure ,Dream ,China ,People ,Deal ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Donald Trump ,Lead ,Table ,Listening ,Behalf ,Shift ,Got Snookerred ,

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