their favorability within the party specifically. the democrats still have the warm fuzzies for joe biden. and maybe to slightly lesser degree to bernie sanders. they're still likable. the same poll showed hillary clinton did not have any kind of bounceback. the democratic party is still angry and upset with her. iowa democrats not into michael bloomberg as well. you can look at the favorable ratings and those things. but i think o'roarke jumping into that first tier right away did show how much momentum he has early. the trouble is he has to translate it into the doing the work in iowa. >> cornell, obviously november, 2006, the buzz name was obama. >> yep. well. >> november of '0 6, it was like will he do it, but he was clearly the new guy. beto is now in that position? >> yes. but remember that barack obama when he jumped in he was also running behind hillary 20 points everywhere. >> okay. o'roarke is 20 points behind biden.