much more pro trump than pro republican party. i think in a lot of ways this is a party of trump in a way i did not see before bush. >> we've been studying this. we ask this question a lot to try to figure out. you are right the trump wing of the party is growing. here's what it was the last time we did it. do they support the president? 57%. are they more of a trump supporter than republican? 57% of republicans call themselves that. but that's 40 % of the party call themselves a republican before. >> here's my final point to that. then you take him on the same way that barack obama took on hillary, by expanding the electorate. the conventional democratic electorate, we lost to hillary clinton. we expand the electorate. what's a republican who can expand the republican elector e electorate. >> if you're looking at a conservative idealism, jeff flake or ben sass or a john kasich independent kind of protest candidate, that's one thing. if 2019 goes badly is where you