largest city in iraq, mosul. that's all been taken away from them, so territory has been reduced but they're still extremely dangerous, at least 30,000 fighters, walking away now as the president is doing from syria is like walking away from one of those california forest fires while it's still smoldering. you know it's going to burst up again if we just walk away. it's a mistake. >> well, when it comes to this visit here, you've got recent "new york times" article that quotes retired three star army lieutenant general mark about the politicized visit, calls the president's comments a, quote, violation of protocol by the president, so do you agree with it, that this move hurt soldiers? >> i think the general, who was part of my team when i was commander of u.s.-european command is an extremely thoughtful three star general. i think he's correct to call the president out for the general tone and tenor of that, and it is hurtful to soldiers, because it places them in a very