and it was a gigantic wedding. it was in the house. and there must have been 150 people there. and it was just wonderful. >> i always thought, you know, "this is what i'll register as the happiest day of my life." >> kathleen's younger sister candace, says kathleen was over the moon, as well. >> she was thrilled to be marrying michael. all three girls were bridesmaids in her wedding. the day they married, my sister glowed. >> and candace watched in amazement as, over the next several years, kathleen did it all. >> not only did she raise these children and have a quite accomplished corporate career, oh, dinner for 50? she'd do it. ♪ >> and so it was on that mild december evening 2001, with kathleen juggling it all. she'd been preparing for the holidays, while fending off the latest crisis at work. michael says she made dinner. they sat down to watch a movie. then, headed out back to enjoy a midnight glass of wine.