investigation has methodically yielded indictments and plea agreements from which numerous court filings have lined up almost exactly with some of the reporting in the dossier. that includes documents from the indictment against 12 russian intelligence officers and court documents from michael cohen, michael flynn, paul manafort and george papadopoulos. in fact, former senior fbi official and u.s. attorney and friend of the show chuck rosenberg and a colleague recently wrote a piece for lawfare examining which parts of the dossier had one corroborated based on the court filings. plus they looked at documents released by jerome corsi and documents from democrats on the house intel committee. the mueller investigation has clearly produced public records that confirm pieces of the dossier. and even where the details are not exact, the general thrust of steele's reporting seems credible in light of what we now know about extensive contacts between numerous individuals associated with the trump campaign and russian government