if heather was hoping for a shorter prison term because of that, she didn't get it. instead, solicitor scarlett wilson noted she continued to lie about important details after she made her deal to testify. because she broke the deal, the sentence, 39 years. 14 more than ethan. >> this was heather kamp's kill. while certainly ethan mack was involved and certainly he laid his hands on kate, i do not believe that but for heather kamp we would be here. >> still, said andy savage after the fact, solicitor wilson could have had a much stronger case had the charleston police acted more aggressively. just one example -- when police arrested ethan and heather -- >> because of their incompetence, they released the property, the crime scene where the homicide took place, they turned it back over to the landlord without examining it. the landlord went in and vacated the premises. he took their furniture and put it in storage. >> cleaned the place.