well, with us to talk about it tonight, chuck rosenberg, former u.s. attorney, former fbi official, and mika oyang, former staffer for the house intelligence and armed services committee. welcome you both back to the broadcast. mika, because of your experience in the house i'd like to begin with you with a very simple question and an honest question. what is to be gained here? >> yeah, for the republicans what they're trying to do is ask comey questions behind closed doors. remember, a number of republicans on the judiciary committee have announced they are retiring so they are not politically beholden to anyone. the question is are they going to use this opportunity to get to the truth of comey's testimony, including obstruction of justice, or are they going to be continuing to politically posture? because it's behind closed doors, the chance of posturing is much lower. >> chuck, do you view this as a serious pursuit and another way of asking that question is