that intelligence assessment. that is an enormous scandal in the making. >> phil rucker, the moment when donald trump said publicly exactly what the saudis still had the -- i don't know what you call it, maybe conniving sensibilities to do privately, the minute the president of the united states said, oh, oh, maybe it was rogue killers, something the saudis didn't have the audacity to say publicly at the moment that donald trump did, suggests that there's no one left in the white house with any sort of commitment to american national security. i would put john bolton in that category. i would put general kelly in that category. kellyanne conway seems to have her hands full. there's no one there that can say to the president, maybe you shouldn't say, mr. president, what the saudis are saying. maybe you should listen to some of what your own intelligence community is saying. >> well, what you have, nicolle, is a president who calls his own shots and comes up with his own beliefs, his own statements, his