happen without his knowing. >> so if mbs doesn't know about it it doesn't happen. >> yeah, he's in total control. he's the guy that locked up the rest of his family in the ritz and started a war in yemen. went to war in yemen. he's doing things on his own. and the guy who we're sanctioning by the way, the treasury department. is his right-hand man. who tweeted last summer, i don't do anything, i don't do anything on my own, i only work for the king and the crown prince. i mean -- it doesn't pass the straight face test that mbs wasn't involved in this. and i think the president's statement that you know, the feelings of the c.i.a., the c.i.a. doesn't do feelings. they do assessments of facts. and i hope that this week we can have a broader briefing from the c.i.a. and we'll get more information on this to a broader group of senators. >> so more than just the intelligence committee?