master of congress at work. >> it's interesting that this fight against nancy pelosi was simply on the basis of how long she was there. >> her number two steny hoyer has been there just as long and there was never any sense that the men who were just below her in leadership should go. seven leadership positions. the only one that this core said give us new blood was only her. >> you know what, joy, an added point, let's look at her counterpart in the senate. chuck schumer who i respect and admire, but he lost seats. no one's talking about him stepping down as leader of the democrats in the senate at all. >> that's true. i'll throw this to the panel. people see the speaker of the house and have been conflating the speaker of the house with the leader of the party and they're leader of the caucus. they'll lead the 240 people. she clearly knows them very well. do you want -- what marsha fudge needed to happen, she made that happen, she knew how to mollify