is a bit disconcerting because an order from trump or a request is the same thing. it could constitute an abuse of power. the question is, will it be part of mueller's memo to the hill or memo to the court or will it be part -- or memo to the department of justice, or will it be part of some sort of lawsuit? >> shannon, we laid out the memo that mcgahn drew up about the potential consequences in trump went through with this. we don't know if he read it. he has a history of not reading things put on his desk. clearly, mcgahn could have given him these bullet points. do we know why he didn't and hasn't followed through on these threats? especially since, by all reporting, it's still eating at him? >> valid points raised in those memos that many lawyers would probably give if they were asked their advice on this. one thing i will note about this memo, if there is actually something in writing then that's