>> well, joe, i think the reality is that we've discussed the bang rupkruptcy of the repun party on a number of occasions. you and tom were two who testify to a party so bankrupt that you loved it and now have left it. part of the reason is that i think a lot of the republican politicians are not caring about the long-term fate of whatever the republican party is now and what it will be in the future. they obviously abandoned that a long time ago when they decided to sign up with donald trump and back him on a series of policies and deviations from republican orthodoxy that have made the republican party -- i don't know what to call it. it is not an organized system of thought, belief, or political agenda or ideology anymore. they made that decision a long time ago. all they care about in most instances, individually, is their own fate. they are not wrong in assessing that their most proximate threat is being primaried by a pro-trump republican who could, with the president's backing,