the coast. there are hurricane zones where people won't be able to rebuild. the mecong delta in vietnam, people are looefeaving there. it's been a fertile environment forever. it's no longer fertile because of salt water that's coming in. you see evidence of this examine examples of it more and more, but when you go further and further into the interior, then what you're dealing with are record temperatures, temperatures that get into the 120 and above degrees fahrenheit in some places. so the amount of space, it seems, that we'll be able to occupy on this planet in the decades to come is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. >> that's absolutely right. and we're using more of that space now for agriculture, for other human purposes, so literally the amount of land available to us is shrinking at a time when our global population is shrinking. it's at about 7.5 billion people, likely to hit 9 billion later this century. we're talking about less food, less water and less space for a