against the republicans and so the president went i think from a victory that night to now coming to the realization that the house is not where it wanted to be -- >> did he really believe republicans were going to hold the house? did he believe it? >> i think he believed it would be closer than it was and we see a number of these close races within 1,000 votes that the republicans are losing and we didn't see as many gains in the senate. he's looked at his staff and going in his first and re-election campaign, do i have the right team and that's where the rumors are coming from. the person who is rumored to replace john kelly, nick ayers, somebody with a lot more campaign chomps that john kelly. >> its a very different mold than what john kelly has. he's a process guy, policy person. wants to make sure it's done properly. nick ayers is a political animal. i mean that in the positive sense. if the president wants to make a change so what happened to some