mueller investigation may be taking a blow here with the acting attorney general, the fact that democrats are now in charge of the house intelligence committee or will be in january adds a new avenue of inquiry and adds some protection for robert mueller. >> thanks very much. i want to bring in former department of justice spokesperson matt miller, an nbc justice and security analyst. matt, on july 13th of 2017, in an interview with cnn having to do with the trump tower meeting, matthew whitaker, the man who will now be the acting attorney general, said i think to sort of suggest that there is a conspiracy here, referring to that meeting, i mean you would always take that meeting. you would have somebody from your campaign take that meeting to try to get information. the reason i bring this up is whitaker is on the record as saying the mueller investigation is an overreach. he's on the record as saying there are ways to tamp it down or cut its budget, and he's on the record as saying that he doesn't think there's any problem with the trump tower meeting. >> yeah, it's very hard to see