they're coming up with new ideas about how to organize. they are talking to each other in their anger and shock. they have formed new networks and the beginnings of new coalitions. they are learning about some of the history of progressive activism. they are learning about, in some cases, their own racial and class privilege and the way that it has blinkered them in the past. these are conversations i have had with women around the country in the past few weeks who i don't think would have had these kinds of conversations three years ago, five years ago. >> you know, that point is really interesting because i've been watching interviews with some of the women who are sort of doing this volunteering, particularly in places like orange county or suburban virginia where you have a volunteer base that is largely white, relatively affluent, upper middle class women, it's not just that they're invested. their actual politics and world view is changing through the sort of experience of doing the work. >> absolutely. they are learning things every day. and in many cases, because we