the midterms, they're not here to fact check, they're just here to hear what they want from him. they don't take him literally. one of the women said, you're putting active duty military on the border but they're not there to shoot anybody, it's just deterrence. they like seeing action being taken. it's not necessarily whether or not he's factual about what's going on. it's just, they want to hear there's going to be action on immigration, it's the issue they want to hear most about. >> quickly, trey. >> west virginians have felt ignored. the fact that president trump has come here. >> eight times so far. >> it's meaningful. >> trey, ali, wild, wonderful west virginia, thanks for coming in and hanging out on set. i appreciate it. we're back after the break on swamp watch, this time the man who has oversight of swamp lands. we've got all of that live as we bring you the show from west