big fan of donald trump. this was sayoc's van in 2015, nondescript, regular old white van, this in contrast is sayoc's van now, windows covered in decals, which appear to be, to be clear, custom decals he printed out and affixed there. praising donald trump, but particularly targeting opponents of donald trump, putting cross hairs over their faces. sayoc also attended trump rallies, including a rally in florida last year where he held up an anti-media sign, not the only trump rally goer with such unusual viewpoints, even today, people waiting in line refused to acknowledge that fellow trump supporter might be responsible for the attempted bombings. >> barack obama, he is -- and hillary clinton probably sent hers to herself. >> so you don't think this guy actually sent these bombs to these officialsome. >> no, probably not. >> why? >> they probably had it done. they may have paid him to do it.