and we've kind of like sometimes lose perspective because we've been hearing it so much, week after week after week. and what happened today -- >> feels like a wake-up call. >> it's terrifying. >> my fear today, as i was watching this unfold, and even the way it is immediately put in a partisan lens, for good reason, because we live in a time in which donald trump is saying violent rhetoric all the time, i think we might look back on this moment and still feel as though we were naive and silly. look at what it took for one random person to draw the national attention, nobody got hurt today, we're really lucky nobody got hurt today, but there is -- i think sometimes because we have lived through so much peace inside of the united states that donald trump may be a wake-up call but we are still not confronting how close we are to something far worse. it is right there. >> i genuinely worry about that. i think the guy who shows up with a gun outside a pizzahe believes there are child slaves inside this building.