>> he wasn't a citizen of this country for one thing. we are going to determine that. and you don't know whether or not we have, do you? >> i think he's dead and i think the saudis killed him. we need to condemn the conduct in the strongest possible terms. and the president and congress need to do it together. >> okay then. we begin with the crucial midterm elections that are just 20 days away and early voting begins today in three states. north carolina, tennessee and oregon. president trump continues his media blitz. blitz is an understatement. to push his party's candidates. >> the president admits he doesn't like speaking to journalists and wants to keep republicans in power. >> this is just for the midterms. we want do win and get the republicans nominated and we want to get them elected. we need republicans. you know? they talk about majority. we have a majority of this much. >> he might not like speaking t speaking to some news hosts and