it just doesn't add up. there is growing outrage about what happened, about the cover-up in saudi arabia and a demand for answers. and the challenge for president trump is he is not at the forefront of those demands. he seems to be taking the saudis at their word. he seems to be repeating their denials to the american people and to the world, and he has his secretary of state, mike pompeo, there sent on a mission to demand answers and to raise concerns, and yet the photos that we saw out of mike pompeo's meetings with saudi officials are a lot of smiles and pleasantries and it seems like the allies getting along. it's discord around the world, and i think that pressure will only end up adding on trump. >> zeke miller, well done today, zeke. jill rucker and colvin, thank you for being here. the president sticks up for the saudis in the unraveling