about it, paul ryan's not discussing it in interviews. but it could be key both in the skmerms even the ne even in the next election. i'm talking about our deficit. from paul ryan to mitch mcconnell to the tea party to maga, the gop has long claimed that they are fiscally conservative. in fact, with when obama was president, gop leaders palablas the existence of any deficit as a fiscal and moral crisis. >> they are in denial. they are in denial about the debt, $14.3 trillion! they're in denial about the deficit. >> and they didn't want to see a nation in debt. they wanted us to pay our bills in our time. >> yes, this level of debt is unsustainable. but it is also immoral. >> immoral. keep that word in mind. that was, of course, speaker john boehner. he was ousted by a tea party movement that clamored about runaway spending. and the members of that movement may have cared a lot about it.