rivals, not any perceived political rivals. anything else. i really believe that jared never got the credit that he deserves for being an excellent publisher. >> this guy invested. he said yes to reasonable plans. >> soon after buying the paper, the 26-year-old kushner went to a business lunch that would change his life. associates wanted him to meet another young real estate executive. ivanka trump. >> i could see right away how much chemistry there was between them. >> i thought they're probably going to get married. >> they are the most suited for one another couple. they're both ambitious in the same way. they both work in the same industry and that work is important to them. >> they both grew up under incredible scrutiny. and not all of it positive. they both have parents who occasionally attract intense negative emotions. they were lucky to find a partner who understood what that's like. >> but from the beginning there was a serious impediment to the relationship.