duration of this week. >> mayor, thank you very much. we know you've got other things to worry about but we do appreciate the time you've given us in the news media trying to cover this story and can't stress this enough. good luck to you and that beautiful city as this storm progresses. >> thank you so much. and god speed for everyone's recovery. >> mayor of tallahassee, florida. bill, if i can trouble you to go over to the map. show folks what's already -- where the storm has already been and, for example, tallahassee off to the right edge. that's the edge of a hurricane you don't want to be on but luckily nowhere near the eye. >> they are a decent distance from the eye. you saw the live pictures we were showing you there. let me go to my next view and i can show you my distance tracker and show you how far away tallahassee is. here's where the storm made the landfall. this was the gray line, the path it took. it's been edging towards the left side of the forecast path after landfall which has been