you know how certain anniversaries seem to accrue baggage over time? every year that anniversary comes around, you just feel weirder and weirder about it every time? we're getting to be that way when it comes to october 7th. we're coming up on the october 7th anniversary date. it was october 7th, 2016. so, two years ago this weekend, two years ago sunday. it's become sort of commonplace to describe what happened on that date, october 7th, 2016, as oh, wow, that was a big day. all these things happened at once. the obama administration put out an unprecedented statement from the department of homeland security and the intelligence community declaring that the russian government was behind the hacking of the democratic party and the public distribution of those hacked e-mails to try to warp our presidential election, and then wikileaks started releasing the e-mails that russian intelligence had stolen from the