it's rosenstein's job to decide what happens to robert mueller's final report. does he turn it over to congress for impeachment? what does he do? does he go ahead with indictments? i'm joined by julia ainsley, national security and justice reporter for nbc news, and glenn kirschner. is this like a trip to the woodshed? is this trump trying to show i'm the muscle guy, you're the little guy action you're the bureaucrat. i'm going to let you come see me and scare me a little bit. i'll let you stay if you give me a little sign of support. >> he's hanging this over his head for sure but it seems clear that both of these men were headed toward the end of rod rosenstein's work at the justice department and that something pulled them back from the brink. we know from people who talked to rod rosenstein, he was talking about resignation and a lot of them said wait until you're fired. don't -- it actually means a lot --