republicans on the judiciary committee that the fbi would not be brought in to look into this charge, to look in the other information that's coming out, does no service to the process. in the end, it does a great disseverance to judge kavanaugh because there's no independent investigation for the senators to go on and as they go weigh this information. >> i want to let you elaborate on that. this is a point getting lost by republicans who probably intend to make things better for kavanaugh but not allowing her account to be viewed as credible. whether you believe her or believe him, this is about getting to the facts. can you elaborate on that point? i think it's important and lost. >> sure. no nominee likes to be investigated. let's just accept that, nicolle. but it's in the interest of the nominee, him or herself, and the institution to which they're going to be names, the supreme court, to run these things to ground. to find out what happened.