with all these crack pot theories. they are going to vote for him anyway. and think about that, they're willing to put on the supreme court someone who very well may be -- essentially a sexual predator. well, i guess they put one in the white house so why not on the supreme court, right? >> yeah. >> but i think there's something that's very fundamental here. >> i think that is the point. even if they think he did it, they don't care. it doesn't matter to them. let me play you another bite of lindsey graham. it's extraordinary to hear him -- lindsey graham, 2.0. here he is talking about dr. ford's request and the things she's asked for for testifying. take a listen. this was also on fox. >> she made ten conditions, request for ten, we gave six. we're not going to let her determine how many people we call. we're going to call dr. ford, then mr. kavanaugh is the way you would do it in any other situation and we will hire our own lawyers and that's it. if they can't accept that, that