thank you and good luck to you and all of your forecasters at the national weather center because it gets crazy in the next few days. as forecasters were tracking florence, president trump was talking up his administration's hurricane history and preparedness. at that briefing in the oval office today, he was asked whether the government has learned any useful lessons from hurricane maria which, of course, ravaged puerto rico about a year ago. >> i think puerto rico is incredibly successful. puerto rico was actually our toughest one of all because it's an island. i think probably the hardest one we had by far was puerto rico because of the island nature, and i actually think it was one of the best jobs that's ever been done with respect to what this is all about. i think the puerto rico was an incredible unsung success. the best job we did was puerto rico but nobody would understand that. we've gotten a lot of receptivity, a lot of thanks for the job we've done in puerto