saying "i love you," ever. >> which was certainly true when it came to the newest member of mollie's unusually large posse of friends, 18-year-old kristene chapa. >> could you tell they really liked each other? >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> mollie talked about her a lot. >> she lived in a neighboring town where she was earning a reputation as a softball superstar. >> kristene was a softball icon for this time. >> britney selby was kristene's close friend. >> she was like the comic relief in on you are group of friends. >> she says her sense of humor was a perfect match for mollie's. >> mollie definitely brought out kristene's crazy side. it was never a dull moment for those two. >> but for this group of girls, crazy and dull were relative terms. >> we were not the party kids. we never drank or anything like that. we would go to taco bell. we would go to coffee shops, and