guy, terrific public serve apt. >> yes, he -- servant. yes, he decided to do it the good old-fashioned way, work my way up. he said and how he's campaigning, "you need somebody who understands why jasper and jennings is before they're governor, varn rather than have ask a staffer." that's what this is all about. adam putnam, i don't think voters care where jasper and -- >> i think that the challenge that we're going to face is whether being the trumpiest candidate possible seems to be effective in gop primaries. how will these candidates fare in the general election? is there going to be -- can you get a trump level of support from trump voters without being trump? i don't think it's possible. on the other hand, democrats may give us opportunities to win by nominating attends -- >> i'm glad you asked. now i want to play martha mcsally answering a question about jeff flake. and it will -- she's in, this is today, in mesa, arizona, campaigning. and she's asked about -- replacing jeff flake, this is