manufacturing parts will have to be in factories where people earn $16 an hour or more. what is the aim there? that mexican workers get paid $16 an hour more or that american factories don't move to mexico? >> i think that in the fullness of time, mexican workers will see those wage increases and it might even a little bit happen in the beginning, but i think what that does is it gives us a guarantee that american workers are going to be protected by this deal because especially at the beginning that it requires that a whole bunch of american production be in cars. don't forget that really the focus of the deal is that parts shift through mexico. so mexico as you mentioned, we already had zero agricultural tariffs and a nafta deal that could be approved, but it was much better than deals with other countries. but the problem is that china has a 25% tariff on our cars and we're trying to resolve the dispute with them. in the old nafta rule, then basically they could ship parts through motion coaexico and it be followed that closely. and they could get around china.