men, for whatever other reason, doesn't have to be about sex, it could be about business deals, it could be about a whole bunch of things, but were they done in order to quiet someone to come forward before the election? and remember, he benefitted from this stuff. it worked. he won. so those i think are the inquiries that the prosecutors are going to continue looking into. >> gabe, last question to you. how healthy is american media at this point? it was in bad financial shape. we talked about it. look at the endorsements during the campaign. i don't know how many dozen newspapers endorsed hillary clinton or said don't vote for president trump. "national enquirer" with a paper out of las vegas, one in florida as well, i think three newspapers endorsed the president. what about this company? what does it say about the desperate position david pecker is in? >> this is the question. follow the money. american media is concentrated in print publishing, which is a sector of the economy that's been sort of decimated by the rise of the internet.