he's basically a bluffer and he'll try to double down on this "i'm perfect and the rest of you are lying" theory in regards to the cases. >> your book is called "everything trump touches dies." we're hoping the "everything" is not america. but the republican party, a party of which you have been a member, we are seeing some republicans, very, very few, congressman tom cole told "the new york times" that where there's smoke, there's a lot of smoke, there may well be a fire. but generally speaking we're not seeing republicans break from donald trump in the way that at around this time into the nixon administration when watergate was breaking, we started to see republicans move away because nixon was becoming an albatross. there's something about the politics here that's different. >> sure. look, the future of the republican party is a big gamble right now. it's become this party of trump and it's got a self-reinforcing media silo. it's got the fox news side and