personal lawyer. that changes things. and that now, for the next two months, until the election, you're going to hear a lot of discussion about what the proper remedy is. sara sanders says the president hasn't been charged with any crimes. this is the same white house that said the president can't be charged with any crimes. under the constitution, their theory, anyway, and the justice department prevailing policy is the president is not capable of being indicted while in office. that's not telling us anything. the real question, again, comes to congress and the political process and the midterms being held in the next couple of months. >> carol, you've covered law enforcement and justice for a long time. perhaps without knowing how exciting the beat might become someday. you have your own reporting for the "washington post" tonight on michael cohen specifically. walk us through the condensed version of what he might know and what might have motivated this decision by him. >> what he might know is something his attorney has