they were riding in different cars. it's not clear to me that that was done at the direction of police. rather, just some good sensible virginians who looked around and said there's probably another car on this train they'd rather ride in. >> i absolutely want to be no part of this. garrett, thank you. jeff bennett, can you talk us through what you've seen from your vantage point? and also obviously after this happened in charlottesville, just one year a go, all the attention turned to president trump and his really response or lack thereof to what we had seen in the streets of charlottesville. how are things different this year? >> kasie, you're 100% right. look, jason kessler, the organizer behind unite the right, the rally last year and this sequel rally, initially wanted to hold the follow-up in charlottesville. but he was denied a permit there the so he turned his attention to washington, d.c. and the national park service approved his permit for what he called a white civil rights rally because the national park service says that they are forced to approve