at an nra event in the middle of the campaign, spring of 2016, which brings us back to that new indictment. torshin was behind the very implausible russian gun group that the now indicted maria butina used for her influence campaign. >> now, the right to bear arms is purportedly a gun rights group founded by a senior member of putin's political party, called united russia. what's funny about that whole concept is that vladimir putin and his party, united russia, they don't actually support gun rights in russia. so why did they create this group that purports to promote that? >> putin doesn't support gun rights any more than he supports free elections to replace him. so our question tonight was this quite obvious front group a trick that was pulled on the nra or a trick that the nra was in on, and does the nra's multi-year efforts to hide their donors reflect a kind of a innocent reflexive secrecy for