literally died quickly after that. >> with shirley on her death bed, pepper tried to act like the dutiful daughter, went to see her regularly, tried to make her comfortable. but there was another terribly important reason to see her then. maybe the most important. one last opportunity to find out who she was. as she was dying, did you try to find, do you know, maybe she'd make a deathbed confession and say, i did take you and here are what your parents' names are and how to find them. any of that happen? did you ask? >> oh, yeah. >> and shirley had a response for the girl she renamed pepper. the question was, what could see do with that answer? coming up -- if jaycee duggard could be found after 18 years, certainly there must be hope for pepper. >> it triggered a lot of my own personal memories, you know, and how come i didn't get found. and i felt still missing. >> but would she be missing much